Cost reduction

Cost reduction

Opt for the integral BVO approach

We have been realizing significant cost savings for many large and smaller organizations for almost 30 years! Our guarantee: you only pay if your cost reduction is a fact!
A nice promise, but why do organizations pay too much and what will BVO & Partners do differently?
The biggest problems we encounter with our clients have to do with no or bad contracts and lack of adequate management. A small enumeration:
  • Contracts are often very one-sidedly drawn up by a supplier
  • Contracts are therefore often risk-bearing for the client alone
  • Little or no attention is paid to effective contract management
  • The client does pay, but is only relieved to a limited extent
  • Legislation and regulations are thought lightly
  • Ignorance of the client is exploited
It would be better if an organization could draw up its own contract with all the requirements and wishes, whereby the responsibility and associated risks are shifted to the supplier who accepts the order. And that is exactly what BVO & Partners does for you. We optimize outsourcing, resulting in demonstrably better financial and qualitative results:
  • Strong legal and administrative contracts
  • Professional tenders
  • Shifting risks and responsibilities
  • Transparency of the (lower) costs
  • Simple yet effective contract management (embedding in the administrative organization)
Danger, Money and Convenience

Our focus is always on three subjects: risks are made transparent and responsibilities are shifted; costs are kept to a minimum, without remediation; control remains, but the supplier takes care of the integral execution.
Ever thought about the consequences of something as simple as a fluorescent lamp coming out of the ceiling? Any idea to what extent you are responsible for a temporary worker working in the warehouse? Fortunately, we have.
Covers all operational costs and all provisions to comply with ever-changing legislation and regulations. These are drastically reduced.
Serves man. We strive to minimize our own man-hours in order to effectively manage dangers and money.
It sounds simple, but it doesn't happen by itself, of course. That is what BVO & Partners arranges for you. From inventory to package of requirements and from tender to implementation and aftercare.

"I was promised mountains of gold by my suppliers, but I mainly paid a lot of gold"

Are you interested in our services?

Please, let us know what you want and we will do our utmost to serve you.
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